B6T Application for Private School Transportation Academic Year 2024-2025 Aid-in-Lieu of Transportation (AIL) is available to New Jersey families if the town they reside in would have provided bus transportation for their student(s) if they attended the local public school. The reimbursement is approximately $1,000.00 and remitted twice for the academic year; in January and June. To qualify for AIL, you must meet a distance criteria and complete and submit the B6T form. Students in grades K-8 must live at least 2.0 miles but no farther than 20 miles from OLL. If you meet the distance requirement, complete the form and return it to Our Lady of the Lake School, Attention: Transportation. Please submit the form as soon as possible but no later than Friday, October 11. Please use this address: 26 Lakeside Avenue, Verona, NJ 07044