Before and Aftercare Program
Before Care must be discussed with Principal Conroy.
The Aftercare program runs from 2:45pm until 6:00pm. The program will NOT be available on half days (please check school calendar).
The program offers a safe environment for children (Pre-K thru 8) that encourages socialization, play and study time with peers.
- Snacks are not provided. Please send students with a snack if needed. PLEASE NO PEANUTS OR FOOD CONTAINING PEANUT INGREDIENTS.
- Supervised indoor and outdoor play.
- Study time - during which time the children may do homework.
Children may be picked up at the School Auditorium. The door is located near Lakeside Avenue. A parent or authorized adult must sign each child out daily. During the warm weather, the children will be on the playground and should bring a change of clothes and sneakers.
Please be certain to label all uniforms, lunch boxes and personal items in order to avoid confusion. The program will end promptly at 6pm. Parents should plan to arrive by 5:55pm so that the building may be vacated by 6:00pm.
One Child - $10
Two or more children - $15
- Billing will be done monthly.
- Please fill out the Extended Day Registration Form even if you plan to use this service on a part time basis. The Extended Day Registration Form must be returned to the school office before the child will be allowed to participate.
In case of an emergency, please contact Alaina at 973-518-3943
Extended DAY Registration Form